IronPort Centralized Management
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IronPort Centralized Management makes it simple, safe, and secure to manage multi-box installations of IronPort Email Security Appliances. Midsize enterprises can ensure redundant systems have the same configuration. Large enterprises and service providers can manage machines in disparate data centers or across the globe. Centralized Management users have found that administration time can be cut in half when managing two systems and above 90% at larger installations.

Unique Architecture:
Three tier architecture allows unique configurations by machine, group, or for all machines under management. Any setting can be configured at any level, providing flexibility to manage configurations based on network topology or business requirements.
Multi-master network technology allows all machines to connect to each other, eliminating the need to have a separate "master" system to push out configurations and the associated risks with creating a single point of failure. Administrators can log into any machine and control every machine under management.
SSH protocol provides authentication, encryption, and integrity to the communications between machines in the network.
Graphical User Interface:
The easy-to-use GUI brings clarity to managing multiple machines. Each page shows how settings are configured across all machines under management. It is simple to change the current mode where a setting is configured. Centralized Management also fully supports configuration through the Command Line Interface.
Reduced Administration Time
With Centralized Management administrators can make a setting change on a single machine and have that setting change propagate to all machines under management. There is no longer need to write scripts or to manage multiple XML configuration files. Once committed, configuration changes are made effective across all machines within seconds, reducing the amount of time that configuration deltas are present within the network.
No Configuration Surprises
As administrators know, managing multiple machines opens up the unintended opportunity for one or more machines to have a different configuration from the others. These non-uniform or "rogue" configurations can have undesired consequences and take hours to discover and correct. With Centralized Management, the administrator is given visibility into how all other systems under management are configured.
Make Changes with Confidence
Making changes that affect multiple machines can be a tense job. Centralized Management allows administrators to make changes on a single machine, test the configuration until satisfied, and then promote the change to all machines under management.
Easier Management without Additional Hardware
Other email security appliance solutions require customers to purchase additional hardware to manage multiple systems. IronPort's solution is enabled as part of AsyncOS™ and does not require additional power, cooling, or rack space to benefit.