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Cisco has acquired Ironport. Please visit our Cisco site for the latest re-branded Ironport products.

Email Security Appliances:

Download the IronPort C170 Data Sheet (PDF).

Download the IronPort C370 Data Sheet (PDF).

Download the IronPort C380 Data Sheet (PDF).

Download the IronPort C670 Data Sheet (PDF).

Download the IronPort C680 Data Sheet (PDF).

Download the IronPort X1070 Data Sheet (PDF).

Web Security Appliances:

Download the IronPort S170 Data Sheet (PDF).

Download the IronPort S370 Data Sheet (PDF).

Download the IronPort S380 Data Sheet (PDF).

Download the IronPort S670 Data Sheet (PDF).

Download the IronPort S680 Data Sheet (PDF).

Management Appliances:

Download the IronPort M170 Data Sheet (PDF).

Download the IronPort M670 Data Sheet (PDF).

Download the IronPort M1070 Data Sheet (PDF).

Related Product Information:

Download the Web Usage Controls Datasheet (PDF).

Download the Web DLP Datasheet (PDF).

Download the Context Adaptive Scanning Engine Whitepaper (PDF).

Download the Web Reputation Datasheet (PDF).

Download the SenderBase Network Overview (PDF).