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Cisco IronPort Technology and Features

Cisco has acquired Ironport. Please visit our Cisco site for the latest re-branded Ironport products.

Utilizing technical breakthroughs like reputation systems and unique proxy appliance designs, IronPort has developed a host of email and web threat-specific technologies. This combination of proprietary security technology, industry-leading performance and threat correlation allows Cisco to deliver on the vision of total messaging and web security as quickly and efficiently as possible.

With an eye for high-performance solutions, Cisco has been successful in large part because of its focus on unique and innovative technology. Even before its acquisition of IronPort in 2007, Cisco was an early adopter of IronPort technology and had already standardized on IronPort infrastructure worldwide. Cisco currently utilizes IronPort technology at locations around the world to significantly reduce administrative burden, and increase network security.

Innovative Security Technology

Cisco IronPort email security technologies provide industry-leading inbound email security and outbound email control. IronPort pioneered spam filtering through sender reputation analysis by creating SenderBase – a powerful threat tracking database that captures data from more than 100,000 organizations and measures more than 30 percent of the world’s messaging traffic. Reputation filtering, combined with Cisco IronPort Anti-Spam technology, results in 98-99 percent spam blocking with fewer than one in one million emails being misclassified. Cisco IronPort Virus Outbreak Filters provide zero-day virus protection and work in conjunction with integrated virus signatures. Corporate risk is also significantly reduced through embedded data loss prevention (DLP) functions, which can detect sensitive content, patterns or images in a message body or within attachments. To ensure message security to any destination, Cisco IronPort PXE Secure Messaging provides gateway to desktop encryption and authentication without needing special end-point agents or PKI infrastructure.

Cisco IronPort Web security technologies power the industry's first and only secure web gateway to combine traditional URL filtering, reputation filtering, malware filtering and data security on a single platform to address these risks. By combining innovative technologies, the Cisco IronPort S-Series helps organizations address the growing challenges of both securing and controlling web traffic. With threats becoming more complex and sophisticated, Cisco IronPort Web Security technologies enable the industry's most comprehensive web security solution, while also ensuring enterprise-class performance.

Cisco IronPort security management technologies provide centralized reporting, message tracking and spam quarantine services. Administrators can simplify email and web security administration, gain corporate-wide insight into their email network, and comply with governance and compliance requirements. This cross-protocol management solution provides a single location to manage policies as well as the visibility to protect organizations from blended attacks and ensure corporate compliance. The ability to identify data leaks and threats across protocols ensures that security decisions can be made based on the holistic view of an entire organization. The time-saving features and efficiencies enabled by Cisco IronPort management technologies offer a compelling low total cost of ownership and accelerated return on investment.